Do not stack on the title because it’s not a random PED story where an athlete get caught trying to demonstrate she’s clean. 

Instead of demonstrating the use of illegal substances, this drug test has highlighted a procedure issue from the test process itself to the appeal management. 

Last May 2022, FICT semifinal ended with the win of the Commit Okavango team,  disqualified few week after for PED use.

That could have been the end of the story except the mismatch between the athlete and the test form identification.

Yes, a mal test has been attributed to Miss Lize Burns! Without talking about the other dysfonctionnements,  any normally wired brain will think it is enough to cut any charges on her and will wait for the organisation to apologise even before an appeal. 

Not so easy, like in the movies, Burns appeal has been rejected despite all mentioned above. 

We know the cost of personal investment to reach this level but when you add to the bill your reputation,  this becomes unfortunately too expensive. In an interview on Barbell spin YouTube channel Lize explains emotionally, how she and her husband (teammate) have unbalanced their life to get this spot to the games.


It was not obliged to fail over the lab failure. Lize pointed appeal procedure has been only designed for contaminated supplements evidence,  giving her the feeling that nothing out of the box can be discussed. No one from the Organisation has reached her if not by email with an AMRAP answer to explain that it is under process to finally claim the sample is indeed hers without taking in consideration all the evidence she brought.

None of she requested has been taken in consideration:

  • discuss with someone from the organisation to give her side story. 
  • bring a third part to analyse the situation from an external point of view
  • be tested again. 

If you analyse the situation after listening to the full story, that sound scary at so many levels.

The loss of trust in the organization she mentioned in the interview should have been shared by all top athletes who have heard about this story. The silence observed has noisily relegated the fundamental of community system to a only marketing tool.

No decision is irreversible, you still have to want to face them and not be afraid to stand for.

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