

The machine does not isolate man from the great problems of nature but plunges him more deeply into them.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery


During the European Semifinal 2023 a polemic started during the event 5 about the air runner calibration on line 8. Whatever the véracity about this mis-calibration, we can all understand than this controversial subject is not coming from nowhere.

Because problems doesn’t exist if there isn’t a solution, we can be surprised about how this issue has been raised and closed. No statement by the organisation has been made and the only answer we can found comes from the Barbellspin analysis.

Equipment defect is not a surprise, but lake of reaction and communication is one.


The best way to fuel a polemic is to not address the problem. the problem is not the air runner, but probably the protocol that allow it in a competition of this level. The organisation is not responsible for the equipment quality but  it is his responsibility to request all certifications that can guaranty such things like, safety of use and by the way calibrations to the the supliers. Transfer of responsibility is the basic of management position to ensure the best quality result. 

the multiple possibilities of this sport are similar to the construction field where ITP & QA/QC are a must, to deliver conformity in a product. this sport has reached a level where « Fitness is cool » is not enough anymore: Problems have to get professional answers. Too many things are on line for the athletes and the perennity of this sport to leave problematics as it is never happened. This is works for equipment, judging and controversial drug test

As competitions have to guarantee clean athletes to ensure equity, they have to guarantee equity in all external element impacting the performances. 


As mentioned and in a general point of view QA/QC team can be a huge step forward, but in this particular case:

  • Be open mind when the rumor start, because yes! mistake is possible.
  • testing immediately the suspicious equipment but how to test should be define before.
  • If a real defect appears:Cancel the all event result or/and Redo the event or do a reserve event.

handling this sport from a private company point of view is one thing, but when you think about the International Functional Fitness Federation with objectif probably more similar to the olympics games this topic should matter.

For example running track tolerance precision let you understand how millimeters can open a discussion.

Track and Field Facilities Manual 2019 Edition – Chapters 1-3   

We will probably never know if the Lane 8 has impacted the performance of the athletes, but this experience must be a lesson on this sport that still young and perfectible.

One of the signs of maturity is the ability to recognize his own mistakes. 

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